Подборка работ представителей Кембриджской школы интеллектуальной истории(Кембриджской школы истории политической мысли):
Квентин Скиннер/Quentin Skinner:
1. Свобода до либерализма
2. Макиавелли. Очень краткое введение
3. История политической мысли
4. The State.(из сборника Понятие государства в четырех языках)
5. Идея негативной свободы: философские и исторические перспективы
6. Коллингвудовский подход к истории политической мысли становление, вызов,перспективы
7. Язык и политические изменения
8. From Humanism to Hobbes.Studies in Rhetoric and Politics
9. Forensic Shakespeare
10. Hobbes and Republican Liberty
11. Machiavelli
12. Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes
13. Visions of Politics:
Volume 1. Regarding Method
Volume 2. Renaissance Virtues
Volume 3. Hobbes and Civil Science
14. David Armitage, Armand Himy, Quentin Skinner(eds.) Milton and Republicanism
15.Quentin Skinner (editor). The Enlightenment's Fable. Bernard Mandeville and the Discovery of Society
16. Gisela Bock, Quentin Skinner, Maurizio Viroli(eds.)- Machiavelli and Republicanism
17. Hent Kalmo Quentin Skinner (edits) - Sovereignty in Fragments.The Past, Present and Future of a Contested Concept
18. Meaning and Context - Quentin Skinner and his critics
19. Martin van Gelderen, Quentin Skinner(eds.)Republicanism Vol.1, Republicanism and Constitutionalism in Early Modern Europe.A Shared European Heritage
20. Martin van Gelderen, Quentin Skinner(eds.) Republicanism Vol. 2, The Values of Republicanism in Early Modern Europe
21. Nicholas Phillipson, Quentin Skinner(eds.)Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain
22. Peter Laslett, WG Runciman and Quentin Skinner (eds) - Philosophy, Politics and Society
23. Quentin Skinner (editor) - Families and States in Western Europe
24. Quentin Skinner (editor) - The Return of grand theory in the human sciences
25. Quentin Skinner, Bo Strath (eds.). States and Citizens History, Theory, Prospects
26. Quentin Skinner, Martin van Gelderen(eds.)Freedom and the Construction of Europe. 1 Religious and Constitutional Liberties
27. Quentin Skinner, Martin van Gelderen (eds.) - Freedom and the Construction of Europe. Vol. 2 Free Persons and Free States.
28. Richard Rorty, Jerome B. Schneewind, Quentin Skinner - Philosophy in History. Essays in the Historiography of Philosophy
Джон Покок/ J. G. A. Pocock:
29. Moмeнт Макиавелли: Пoлитическая мысль Флopeнции и aтлaнтичеcкая
pecпубликaнская тpaдиция
30. Квентин Скиннер:история политики и политика истории
31. Barbarism and Religion, Vol. 1_ The Enlightenments of Edward Gibbon, 1737-1764
32. Barbarism and Religion, Vol. 2. Narratives of Civil Government
33. Barbarism and Religion, Vol. 3, The First Decline and Fall
34. Barbarism and Religion, Vol. 4. Barbarians, Savages and Empires
35. Barbarism and Religion, Vol. 5. Religion The First Triumph
36. Barbarism and Religion, Vol.6, Barbarism, Triumph in the West
37. Political Thought and History. Essays on Theory and Method
36. The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law_ A Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century
27. The discovery of islands.essays in British history
28. Three British Revolutions 1641, 1688, 1776
29. Virtue, Commerce, and History_ Essays on Political Thought and History, Chiefly in the Eighteenth Century
30. J. G. A. Pocock, Gordon J. Schochet, Lois Schwoerer - The Varieties of British Political Thought, 1500–1800
Джон Данн/John Dunn:
31. Демократия
32. Democracy. a history
33. Locke. A Very Short Introduction
34. Political Obligation in its Historical Context_ Essays in Political Theory
35. Setting the People Free. The Story of Democracy
36. The Cunning of Unreason. Making Sense of Politics
37. The Economic Limits to Modern Politics
38. The History of Political Theory and Other Essays
39. The political thought of John Locke. an historical account of the argument of the ’Two treatises of government’
40. The Politics of Socialism_ An Essay in Political Theory
James Tully, Iain Hampsher-Monk, Martin van Gelderen:
41. James Tully - A Discourse on Property.John Locke and his Adversaries
42. James Tully - An Approach to Political Philosophy_ Locke in Contexts
43. Annabel Brett, James Tully, Holly Hamilton-Bleakley (eds.) - Rethinking the Foundations of Modern Political Thought
44. Dario Castiglione, Iain Hampsher-Monk (eds.) - The History of Political Thought in National Context
45. Iain Hampsher-Monk, Karin Tilmans, Frank van Vree (eds.) History of Concepts_ Comparative Perspectives
46. Iain Hampsher-Monk (Editor) Edmund Burke
47. Martin van Gelderen - The Political Thought of the Dutch Revolt 1555-1590
48. Pluralism and the Personality of the State
David Armitage, Maurizio Viroli:
49. David Armitage - British Political Thought in History, Literature and Theory, 1500-1800
50. David Armitage - Civil Wars. A History in Ideas
51. David Armitage - The Ideological Origins of the British Empire
52. David Armitage- Foundations of Modern International Thought
53. David Armitage- Theories of Empire, 1450-1800
54. David Armitage, Conal Condren, Andrew Fitzmaurice. Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought
55. Маурицио Вироли «Свобода слуг»
56. Maurizio Viroli - From Politics to Reason of State.The Acquisition and Transformation of the Language of Politics 1250-1600
57. Maurizio Viroli - Machiavelli
58. Norberto Bobbio, Maurizio Viroli - The Idea of the Republic
59. Кембриджская школа сб. ст.
https://magazines.gorky.media/nlo/2015/4 - НЛО 2015/4 (134) Историк дискурса: Джон Покок и Кембриджская школа интеллектуальной истории
https://magazines.gorky.media/authors/s/kventin-skinner - Статьи Квентина Скиннера
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_81 - Подборка книг по истории понятий
https://vk.com/wall-48246439_38454 - Подборка книг по истории политической мысли
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_48 - Подборка книг из серии «Res Publica» (республиканизм, неореспубликанизм)
Подборка книг из серии «Политическая теория»
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1388 - Подборка работ британских историков-марксистов, представителей «Исторической группы» (Communist Party Historians Group)
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_1370 - Подборка работ представителей французской исторической школы «Анналов»
https://vk.com/wall-80080904_7832 - Подборка книг о неолиберализме
https://vk.com/wall-176520650_197 - Подборка книг о политике памяти и исторической политике